First foreign visitors in the new training centre
The Romanian company SECPRAL PRO INSTALATII has been representing the Ekoplastik brand since 2002. It also has the exclusivity for the Ekoplastik System in grey colour on the Romanian market.
The sales are carried out by eight local branches situated in the towns of Cluj - Napoca, Bucharest, Sibiu, Craiova, Roman, Timisoara, Brasov and Oradea.
The programme of the visit:
Logistic centre, Prague - Horní Počernice.
Visit of the production facility - presentation of the production of plastic pipes, unique multi-layer pipes with basalt fibre - FIBER BASALT PLUS, or the production of STABI PLUS pipes with oxygen barrier.
Company headquarters, Kostelec nad Labem
Visit of the production facility - presentation of the production of shaped pieces, visit to the testing laboratory and the quality control department.
Technical training and presentation of news related to the Ekoplastik System in the new training centre.