About the company
About the company
Trade and technical info
EKOPLASTIK is present on the market of plastic piping systems since 1990. In November 2004 multination corporation Wavin entered Ekoplastik company.
Head office of Wavin Ekoplastik is situated in Kostelec nad Labem, about 20 km north of Czech Republic's capital Prague. There are except the management also production and business department.
In 2007 there was made a big change after opening The New Logistic Center in Prague – Horní Počernice. You can find here all our ready made products‘ stores of PPR production. The logistic department and a part of our business department /processing control/ are located there too.
Our major products range covers polypropylene (PP) plastic piping systems of pressure and/or hot water (heating) distribution. WAVIN Ekoplastik s.r.o. is a dominant producer of those systems in the Czech Republic and ranks among the leading European manufacturers.
To satisfy our customers' needs, technology development is at the foremost position in the goals of our company. The increase in the number of our extrusion lines for production of pipes and injection-molding machines for production of fittings corresponds with the increasing variety in our product range and with our increasing share on the local and international markets.
While in the production division of our operations, the number of elements produced automatically increases with every new piece of machine, the number of employees in customer service, quality control, research and other areas, where people can not be replaced by machines, is growing. This brings a great significance for the development of our company and services offered.
The company is divided to separate departments, interconnected by their respective activities as follows:
Production - Quality Control - Logistics - Accounting - Marketing and Sales.